17-year-old reaches for phone while driving: pictures of the crash show the terrible consequences

Foto: Pixabay

Matt realized immediately decided to pick up his phone. But instead of pulling over, he made a stupid decision — he kept driving and reached down for his phone.

He shouldn’t have done that.

“I didn’t feel like it would be that long to grab it, but when I came up it was too late,” Matt told WXYZ Detroit.

The vehicle in front of him was waiting to make a turn — and Matt crashed into it.

“I saw the rear end of the black SUV and I just remember hitting it really hard.”

The collision was horrific, but Matt was lucky. The SUV was driven by a nurse, who rushed to Matt’s side to care for him until the ambulance arrived.

Matt had fractures in his nose, jaw, skull and eye socket, as well a severe concussion, an injured shoulder and a deep gash in his forehead.

Matt later said that he regrets what he did and acknowledges it could’ve been much worse.

When he decided to take his eyes off the road, he could’ve killed someone.

Message from Matt’s mom: Turn off your cell phone

On Facebook, Matt’s mother, Linda, chose to share her son’s story. She wants more people to think about the danger of using phones while driving.

“Put the damn phones off and in a place you can’t be tempted to reach for it. Matt was lucky. This could have had a different outcome.”

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