Boy left fighting for his life after ‘monster’ bullies set him on fire

An 8-year-old boy was set on fire as he played outside his home by a gang of “monster” bullies.

Kyrylo Yatsun was left in a critical condition after the group of boys targeted him for no apparent reason, dousing his t-shirt in petrol and then setting a lighter to it.

The bullies who were several years older than Kyrylo were then seen laughing at the boy as he fell to the ground and writhed around in pain, before running off, as per The Sun newspaper citing witnesses.

Thankfully passersby spotted the boy and rushed to his aid, taking off his t-shirt, putting out the fire and then calling an ambulance, as per news reports.

As Kyrylo, from Dnipro, Ukraine, lay in the hospital bed in a critical condition, doctors had to remove patches of his skin from his head, arms, and hips.

Kyrylo’s mother Eugenia Yatsun spoke of her horror at finding her son in such a condition after the attack in September 2019.

“I ran outside and saw my son lying on the ground. The skin on his belly and legs was badly burned,” she said.

“He told me that they did it to him on purpose without any reason. They are not children, they are monsters.”

Police arrested the boy’s attackers and they were questioned as part of a criminal case for causing grievous bodily harm.

I hope little Kyrylo recovered for his horrific ordeal and his attackers were properly punished for such a despicable attack.

Please share to send Kyrylo our well wishes.

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