Boy was rushed to hospital after eating a burger, now his mom wants one thing banned

As the hot summer approaches most of us will be thinking of firing up the grill and moving dinner time outside.

Mom Nadia Fiore had the same idea for holiday weekend and the family cleaned off the grill ready to cook burgers for everyone.

But it would turn out to be one of the worst days of her life.



There’s not a lot that beats burgers cooked on a grill and six-year-old Anthony Fiore feels the same.

His parents got the grill ready and cooked a feast for dinner. But what happened after Anthony had eaten shocked the whole family.

The youngster took one bite and instantly felt something sharp on his tongue.

“It felt like a needle,” Anthony said, as reported by CBC.

Youtube / CBC.CA News

The family, from the Toronto area in Canada, rushed Anthony to hospital.

“We knew something was wrong, and he was in extreme pain, because he was crying,” Anthony’s mother, Nadia, said.

Surgeons were able to remove the small piece of wire that had become lodged in the boy’s throat.

PHOTO: YouTube

Doctors told Anthony’s parents that the offending object had come from a wire brush used to clean the grill.

Removing it was straightforward, although the whole process took 12 hours, but Anthony wasn’t out of the woods yet.

Ditch your wire brushes, mom says

Doctors warned that the bacteria from the wire brush would likely cause a deep throat infection — and it did. The necessary treatment was given to the young boy and thankfully he has recovered.

But doctors say they have encountered a number of these cases and it can prove fatal if the wire isn’t removed as it can cause holes in a person’s intestine.

Now Anthony’s mom Nadia is warning others to ditch their wire brushes.


Grill experts say this has been happening for as long as people have been using these wire brushes.

They recommend using a brush with wires that are fastened around a metal backing, rather than wooden or plastic brushes.

Cleaning your grill

Lighting the barbecue for a few minutes with the lid closed can help loosen up any food stuck to the grill which can then be removed with a piece of scrunched foil.

Find out more about how you can safely clean your grill in the clip below.

I had no idea that this was happening! Such a worrying case concerning such a young boy.

Please share this story to warn others as grilling season approaches.


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