Cat rescued after being found covered in toxic green paint

Cats come in all sorts of shapes and colors, but when animal lovers came across a bright green cat, they immediately knew something was terribly wrong.

The poor feline was drenched in paint, making it difficult to move. The rescuers realized they had to act quickly to give the cat a chance at survival.

But when the animal was taken to a veterinarian, they discovered an even bigger problem — the paint wasn’t just on the outside; it had seeped into the cat’s body.

Shocking Discovery Under a Car

While walking near an industrial area, a group of animal lovers spotted a green figure hiding beneath a car. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was a frightened cat, its fur soaked in green paint. The shocking sight left them stunned, but before they could help, the cat bolted, disappearing from view.

Determined to help, the rescuers refused to let the poor animal continue living in such a dreadful state. They quickly formulated a plan.

The group set out food and placed cameras around the area in the hopes of finding the green cat again. They found traces of the green paint on various surfaces where the cat had been, and even came across green-tinged feces, suggesting that the paint was making its way through the cat’s system.

Youtube / Kritter Klub

The Veterinarian’s Warning: “Life-Threatening”

Realizing they needed reinforcements, the rescuers called a veterinarian, who arrived on the scene without delay. After seeing the green-streaked droppings, the vet explained that the situation was more dangerous than they had thought.

Cats have tongues that look like a needle and are animals that take care of themselves But it keeps grooming itself to get the paint off. So, it ends up eating the pain” the veterinarian explained in a video shared on YouTube by Kritter Klub.

The toxins from the paint posed a serious threat to the cat’s internal organs, emphasizing the need for prompt veterinary care.

Formulating a Rescue Plan

With the veterinarian’s help, the team devised a strategy.

They brought a cage to the area, filling it with food in the hopes of luring the cat in. Finally, the green-coated cat cautiously approached the cage for a bite to eat. The team quickly closed the cage door, and the cat meowed in fear. Without wasting any time, they rushed to the veterinary clinic.

Youtube / Kritter Klub

A Tough Battle to Save the Cat

At the clinic, they immediately began scrubbing the cat’s fur, trying to remove the stubborn paint. However, the paint wouldn’t come off easily. As a precaution, the veterinary team also used a camera to examine the cat’s insides and, to their horror, discovered that its stomach was full of paint.

The exhausted cat eventually lay down to rest, wrapped in a blanket. But soon, it began to vomit, expelling even more green paint.

Suspicions of Intentional Abuse

The rescue team visited a paint supply store to learn more about the paint the cat had been exposed to. It turned out to be a waterproof sealant, commonly used for industrial purposes. The cat had been found near a factory that uses this kind of paint, but there was one detail that raised concerns.

Youtube / Kritter Klub

”What’s interesting about a cat is… They struggle when they fall in something but this one has paint covered till its face. And no paint on its back. Did someone who hated cats… dip the cat in paint while holding it? The back and back of neck are not covered in paint. It may not have fallen in by accident.Who did this awful thing to the cat?” the veterinarian noted.

A Happy Ending

In the final moments of the YouTube video shared by Kritter Klub, the previously green cat can be seen with its original reddish-orange fur.

Most importantly, the functions of its kidneys and liver had almost fully recovered, thanks to the swift action and dedication of the rescuers.

Watch the incredible rescue video below:

Watch the video

The rescuers are true heroes!

Cats may have nine lives, but that doesn’t give us the right to mistreat them.

Shame on whoever caused this!