Every life is a beautiful miracle and the memories we make with our family is everything.
Rachel and Nathan Burow, parents-to-be, were eagerly waiting the arrival of their second child.
For several months, the couple planned for the big day, but when it was time, no one could have prepared for what would happen.
Rachel gave birth to baby Annabelle on February 21, via C-section.
Nathan was by his wife’s side during her C-section impatient to embrace his baby daughter.
But when the baby finally came out, Nathan could not believe his eyes – the father was taken by surprise by what he saw.
He immediately noticed there was something “off” about her face. Annabelle’s head looked huge and her facial features were unclear which made Nathan scared stiff.
The doctors said Annabelle had been ”born with the caul”. That means that means a baby or a child is born with a portion of the amniotic sac or membrane remaining on the head.
Being born with a caul is rare, occurring in fewer than 1 in 80,000 births! The nurse acted quickly and told Nathan to grab his phone and take a picture of the baby.
A birth like this occurs once in 80,000, which is pretty rare and unique.
Nathan told Love What Matters he quickly snapped photos of the rare occurrence, after the nurse assured him everything was OK.
“When I first saw the bubble I was just confused. This didn’t look anything like our son did 17 months earlier. Then I made out her face and got scared for a moment. I thought, ‘This isn’t right! I’ve never seen this.’ I immediately looked at the nurse for reassurance. She said, ‘Quick take a picture, you don’t want to miss this.’ The lack of worry in her expression leveled me out, and without even knowing what I was looking at, I snapped some shots. I didn’t know it was going to be a 1 in 80,000 moment.”, Nathan told Love What Matters.
“Sometimes we get too caught up in the excitement and forget to take a step back and realize the miracle of birth itself,” Rachael said.
“We are completely in awe,” Rachael continued, “and I can tell you nothing- no moment can top hearing my babies cry for the first time, no moment can top the first time they were placed in my arms.
“Babies are such a blessing, such a gift and forever a miracle.”
I agree with Rachael. Babies have a way of bringing magic and miracles into our lives, they teach us how to be present and live in the moment
Such a big miracle in such a little girl!
Have you ever seen a baby being born this way before? If you think this is beautiful please share it with your friends.
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