Drink a glass of this before you sleep, and immediately notice a difference in your waist size


According to Healthy Food Style there is one drink that works wonders when it comes to burning fat. Best of all, you can make it at home in a matter of minutes, and it only contains 4 ingredients.

Parsley has a really low calory count and is full of antioxidents, vitamins and minerals. It helps your body get rid of uneccessary waste, without any unpleasant feelings in your stomach.

Lemon helps to remove toxins from your body, which is important if you want to burn fat.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that can help burn fat.

A study published in ”Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry” studying overweight people in Japan, made half of the participants drink beverages containing apple cider vinegar, the other half without.

The participants that drank the apple cider vinegar proved to have less fat around their waistline, less visceral fat, and a lower body weight than those who didn’t.

Although it’s still good to think about what you eat, apple cider vinegar can make you feel full, meaning that you’ll eat less.

Feel like trying this super drink?

You need:

• 3 tsp chopped parsley

• 1 lemon

• 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

• 400 ml water

Follow these steps:

1. Pour 400 ml boiling water over the chopped parsley and let it brew for around 3-5 minutes, then drain.

2. Press the lemon and mix the juice with the apple cider vinegar.

3. Mix with the parsley water, stir and drink immediately.


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