Four police officers grab a bite after a long shift – can’t believe what’s then written on their receipt

The officers ate at the Outback Steakhouse in Slidell, Louisiana, according to Fox8.

“They’re the sweetest guys,” said Zoe Rao, who is a waitress at the Outback Steakhouse where the officers ate “I enjoy waiting on them.”

Photo Source: Screenshot Fox8

Manager Arline Wood saw the officers come in and recognized them as regulars at the restaurant.

When it was time to pay up, the officers couldn’t believe what was written on their receipt.

Not only did the server and manager pick up their tab, they left them a sweet message.

It read, “Be safe!” written at the top and further down it said, “Thank y’all for y’all’s service! Enjoy y’all’s meal on us!”

Photo source: Slidell Police Department

“They care about the community. They care about everybody. They’re just great guys,” Arline Wood said.

“Our whole police force is great and these guys at night, I went to Zoe and I said, let’s take care of it.”

Generous tip

The Slidell Police Department posted an image of the receipt to their Facebook page, and it quickly went viral.

And to show their gratitude the officers left the ladies a generous tip.

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