20 years ago, the world’s most unusual babies were born: Today they have grown up

Having worries and anxiety is common during pregnancy.

Emotionally, pregnancy can be a real roller coaster as you prepare yourself for one of the biggest changes you will ever experience in your life.

Many parents worry that their child may have a condition that could restrict them in life or that they has a parent may not be able to cope with the babies they have.

In the worst cases, the pregnancy itself can pose a risk to the lives of the mother and the children.

If you consider conjoined twins, this is one of the most risky and complicated pregnancies you can have. An example of this is the case of the sisters Macy, Mackenzie and Madeline.

Their story is one of only two famous cases in the world.



When the beautiful babies were born, their mom had not only produced triplets – two of the babies were conjoined twins so were connected to each other.

This alone is a rare condition and affects one in every 200,000 live births.


Unfortunately, their biological mother decided that she could not care for her three girls, Mackenzie, Macey and Madeline.

Thankfully Darla and Jeff Garrison, from Iowa, U.S. decided to foster them, recognizing the urgency for the girls to find a loving home. The couple already had three biological sons and were delighted with the new additions to their already large family.


Conjoined twins Macey and Mackenzie were in a lot of pain and just weeks after their birth surgeons started the painstaking operations to separate the girls. Mackenzie went home after six weeks, and Macey followed a month later. Darla and Jeff then began the adoption process.


“We’d fallen in love with them. Our boys were so happy to have three sisters,” Darla told Closer Magazine.


Both Macey and Mackenzie recovered well. As you can see from the photo below they each have one leg having been born sharing a third useless leg.


Two years after the surgery, all papers were completed and Darla and Jeff finally adopted all three girls, officially. Today they all attend the same school, where they have many friends and particularly enjoy sports and art.


The sisters even got a horse and have regular physiotherapy to help them walk on prosthetic legs and on their own.


What lucky girls they are finding a wonderful family filled with so much love! And it does not hurt to have three big brothers looking out for them!


The girls live healthy and happy life. They had a “normal” childhood, despite their physical limitations. They also enjoyed all the necessary support to make them feel comfortable and safe.


Today they have grown up into three beautiful girls!


”We had no idea what to expect – but they only needed someone who loved them. We got Madeline when she was four days old and Macey and Mackenzie came to us after four weeks,” adoptive mother Darla told Closer.


The girls, born in December 2002 and weighing just 2lbs 2oz each, have come a long way after their miraculous surgery.

The girls are 2 years old now and the girls are enthusiastic, full of life, and living happy lives – with parents and brothers who love them a lot.

“We’re very independent, we don’t need help. We can do pretty much everything that ‘normal’ people can do. I don’t look at myself as, like, I can’t do that. Because I have one leg. That’s just not who we are as people,” Macey said in 2021, speaking with Truly.


The world needs more people like Jeff, Darla, and these young woman. Their warmth and generosity touched my heart.

What do you think about this set of sisters and their journey?

Please spread the story of these beautiful young women who never gave up – despite their difficulties.

We wish you all the best in the world!


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