Mom picks up 8-yr-old daughter from detention, then discovers school’s ‘prison cell’


When Connie Ramstad, mom to 8-year-old Alegra, got a call from the school telling her that her daughter had behaved badly, she was angry and disappointed, The Denver Channel reports.

She had threatened another student, and that wasn’t how Connie had brought her daughter up.


When she came to school to pick up her daughter however, she was in for a shock. First of all, it didn’t seem that Alegra had been threatening at all, she had just defended herself after being bullied.

Furthermore, it was no ordinary detention that the 8 year old had been subjected to. She had been locked up in something that looked like an actual prison cell.


The school called the room the “detention room” but in reality it was a 1,2 x 2,4 meter cell.

Regardless of whether it was right for Alegra to be in detention or not, it’s never OK for a school to lock up a child.


Alegra cried for hours after her mom picked her up and was home from school for three days because she was traumatized. Mom removed her daughter from school following the incident.

What do you think, is it right for a school to lock up a child? Personally I just can’t understand why she couldn’t just sit in an empty classroom for a while.

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