Everyone thought it was just a harmless cold.
But as the days went by, the situation became more worrying.
Eventually parents Ruth & Jonathan Scully received the worst news imaginable: their 3 year old son Nolan was suffering from rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

In September 2015 Nolan was suffering with a blocked nose. His parents thought it was just a simple cold. However, he soon began having difficulties breathing and medicine wasn’t helping him.
Two months later, his doctor discovered that it was a tumor causing the blockage in his airways.

He was suffering from rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. The cancer is, unfortunately, currently resistant to all forms of treatment.

Ruth wanted to share the stark reality of the disease. She shared a photo of Nolan sleeping on the bathroom floor. He was terrified of leaving his mom’s side, even when she took a shower.

After several rounds of treatment, Nolan became weaker. Sadly, the cancer had spread all over his body.
When cancer spreads to that extent, it decreases the chances of survival from 40% to 20%.
Nolan’s mom made the decision to document his final months.

When she took Nolan to the hospital for the final time, the little boy hadn’t eaten for days, because he would constantly throw up.

Final days
In a Facebook post Nolan’s mom describes their final days at the hospital:
“I sat down with him and put my head up against his and had the following conversation:
Me: Poot, it hurts to breathe doesn’t it?
Nolan: Weeeelll…. yeah.
Me: You’re in a lot of pain aren’t you baby?
Nolan: (looking down) Yeah.
Me: Poot, this Cancer stuff sucks. You don’t have to fight anymore.
Nolan: (Pure Happiness) I DONT??!! But I will for you Mommy!!

Me: No Poot!! Is that what you have been doing?? Fighting for Mommy??
Nolan: Well DUH!!
Me: Nolan Ray, what is Mommy’s job?
Nolan: To keep me SAFE! (With a big grin)
Me: Honey … I can’t do that anymore here. The only way I can keep you safe is in Heaven. (My heart shattering)
Nolan: Sooooo I’ll just go to Heaven and play until you get there! You’ll come right?
Me: Absolutely!! You can’t get rid of Mommy that easy!!
Nolan: Thank you Mommy!!! I’ll go play with Hunter and Brylee and Henry!!”

For the next few days, Nolan mostly slept.
His parents thought about going home to spend one last night together – but when they were done packing, Nolan grabbed his mom’s hand and told her it was OK, they could stay at the hospital.
“My 4 year old Hero was trying to make sure things were easy for me….,” Ruth writes on Facebook.

The mom continues:
“About 9:00pm we were watching YouTube in bed (Peppa Pig actually) and I asked Nolan if I could get in the shower, as I was not allowed to leave him and Mommy had to be touching him at all times.
He said ‘Ummmm ok Mommy. Have Uncle Chris come sit with me and I’ll turn this way so I can see you.’
I stood at the bathroom door, turned to him and said ‘Keep looking right here Poot, I’ll be out in two seconds.’

I ran and jumped into bed with him and put my hand on the right side of his face. Then a miracle that I will never forget happened….
My angel took a breath, opened his eyes, smiled at me and said ’I love you mommy’.
He turned his head towards me and at 11:54 pm Sgt. Rollin Nolan Scully passed away as I was singing ‘You are My Sunshine’ in his ear.”
The little boy woke up one last time, gathered his strength and told his mom he loved her. What a little hero.

If you were also moved by Nolan’s story, don’t forget to share this article to help spread his mom’s message.