Officer gets nasty note when he stops to grab food after a day spent dealing with a baby’s death

Most of us go to work with a good idea of what our day will involve but those working on the front line never know what situation they’ll face.

One police officer was called out to the death of a baby and spent 7 hours at the scene. After leaving the incident he stopped at a store to grab a sandwich and returned to his car to find a shocking note.

A member of the public had left a note on the windscreen of his car that read: “£100 ($128) fine for shopping on duty.” 

The officer took to social media to remind the public that “we’re not robots.”

 The unnamed cop had gone to Tesco for a sandwich after covering a baby's death for seven hours

His tweet has attracted over 80,000 responses from the public and hopefully has reached the person who left such an insensitive note.

The officer, who said he has spent 15 years on the front line, tweeted: “Just left Tesco. Handwritten note on the windscreen of my patrol car. ‘£100 fine for shopping on duty’.

“If only I could tell the person who wrote it that I have just spent the last 7 hours at the sudden death of a baby. I’d bought a sandwich.

“We’re not robots. #BeKind #WoundUp.”

Police Car

Thousands came out in support of the officer with one Twitter user writing:

“Maybe the person who wrote this will see this on Twitter and feel suitably ashamed.

“No one knows what heart-wrenching job the emergency services have just been to.”

Others thanked the officer for their service while others weren’t so sympathetic, but not everyone is blessed with empathy.

‘Faith in humanity is restored’

The officer later thanked the public for their kinds words adding he was “absolutely blown away” by the response to the tweet.

“It’s hard to see at times, as we deal with the worst society has to offer most days, but the good people clearly far outweigh the bad based on the messages I have received. My faith in humanity is restored. Thank you.”

 Most people backed the police officer after the note was left

Those that work on the front line deal with incidents that most of us couldn’t handle and they are required to do so by putting their personal feelings and needs aside and be professional.

They deserve all the breaks for doing a job most of us wouldn’t be prepared to do.

Please share to show your support for all the front line workers who work so tirelessly helping others.


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