Prince Harry gets a letter from a boy who has lost his mother and breaks royal rules

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been hitting the headlines every day during their 16-day trip around Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga. From hugging youngsters to making empowering and beautiful speeches this couple have warmed hearts around the world.

They’ve announced they’re having a baby to cheers and celebrations and have graciously shown the world just how special a couple they are. Harry has even broke royal protocol with sneaky selfies with fans proving even more that he’s following in his mother’s footsteps as a “prince of the people.”

But if that all wasn’t enough his latest words to a six-year-old who had lost his mother had everyone reaching for the Kleenex.

Six-year-old Otia Nante handed Prince Harry a letter when he stopped to talk to his fans on a visit to Auckland Viaduct Harbor, in New Zealand. The young boy’s grandmother told the prince that Otia had lost his mother when he was a baby and looked up to Harry because he lost his mommy too.

Harry was visibly moved by Otia’s gesture and put the letter in his jacket pocket. He then gave the young boy some heartfelt words that left everybody in no doubt of the big heart this prince has.

According to Prince Harry told Otia: “Life will always be all right, you know that? I’ve made it to 34 years old, and life is great. I have a beautiful wife and a baby on the way. Your life is going to be sorted. Don’t you worry about that.”

Prince Harry deserves to be honored for his sweet advice for this boy. Please share the article if you think Prince Harry is a good representative of the British Royal Family!