Sex coach becomes social media sensation – after smearing her face with menstrual blood

Sex coach Demetra Nyx is hoping to banish the idea that periods are dirty or disgusting and educate people to understand that period blood is the same as any other kind of blood.

Demetra grew up, like most women, made to feel that periods should be kept secret, never talked about, according to

Shouldn’t feel ashamed

She was taught that we should hide any sign that we’re on our period such as tampons and pads and made to feel embarrassed if anyone sees them in our bags.

As Demetra points out, periods are something we cannot control, so why should we feel ashamed of them?

Demetra wants to help women realize how powerful and beautiful periods can be and does this by posting images of herself covered in her menstrual blood.

It’s not an easy image to see for most people but it has forced the topic to be discussed and helped make it less of a taboo issue.

Demetra started talking about periods openly on her social media post and posted her first selfie covered in menstrual blood in April 2018.

She wrote, “Some things: Happy New Moon in Aries + my first house. I’ve created a free 7-day video series about working with our menstrual cycles (long overdue, too!) that I will start sharing tomorrow. Yes, that is my blood on my face.”

Despite some angry responses from people who were shocked by what she had done, Demetra continued to post pictures of herself covered in blood.

‘Disgusting and unclean’

One post said, “I will do this every month until people are no longer shocked by it. I will do it until little girls stop being taught that the natural functions of their bodies are disgusting and unclean.

“I will do it until women stop feeling like they can’t have sex on their period because it is gross. I will do it until we stop being embarrassed that we sometimes bleed through our clothing. Through your sheets.”

Demetra continued, “The idea isn’t to get everyone to put blood on their face (though – wow – does it make your skin glow!) Rather… If I do something sooo shockingly disgusting and put it out in public… Maybe someone somewhere will feel like: ‘Well, if she can do *that*, maybe I don’t have to hate my period after all.

“Maybe my body isn’t that gross after all.’ Also, it’s fun and I like it.”

Positive feedback

But this time, she started to get positive feedback, showing that people had got over their shock and understood her focus.

One commentator said, “Although pretty extreme, I like everything you’ve said and stand for!”

Whatever your views on Demetra’s images, it’s time that attitudes changed toward something so natural.

What do you think of Demetra’s posts? Feel free to share your comments on our Facebook page.

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