Single mom returns from peaceful protest to find car vandalized

It was an act of humanity in the face of destruction that led two strangers to find each other and become friends.

Michelle Turner, a healthcare professional and single mom with two young boys, had parked her car to attend a peaceful protest against George Floyd’s death in Sacramento, California.

After the demonstration she returned to her car to find all her windows had been smashed in, her doors were damaged and there was glass everywhere.

She realized the repair bill would be too much for her considering her situation as a single mom.

CBS News/Little Things

But thankfully a stranger appeared to help.

Berry Accius was walking down the street at the same time Michelle discovered the damage to her car.

He listened to her woes and the next day decided to help in a way she never expected – by giving her a check to help pay for the repairs.

Berry told CBS News that he couldn’t stand by and let a black woman suffer.

CBS News/Little Things

“I can’t let a black woman, for people who don’t know, black women are the ones that stand in the gap when black men die,” he added.

“I know folks want to blame it and say these kids, these young people, these looters but lets look at why we’re here in the first place, what got us here.”

‘It’s not going to stop anything’

Michelle had a message for those that are destroying people’s property.

“I just want to tell these people to stop breaking stuff that does not pertain to what’s going on, it’s not going to stop anything,” she said.

This is a perfect example of how love can and will overcome. Please share so more people can celebrate this beautiful action.

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