There are so many things that we take for granted and going to the movies is one of them, yet for thousands of people around the world watching TV, let alone visiting the movies is a luxury they cannot afford.
But one teacher at a rural school in Guatemala wanted to change all that and his actions have led him to be hailed a hero around the world.
Edwin Linares teaches at the Mixed Rural School of Chiquimula where some of his students have to travel up to 2 hours along a dirt road to get to school, leading some of them to drop out.
To give his youngsters an experience they would never forget he raised money so they could spend a day at the movies.
This dedicated teacher took to Facebook to ask for the equivalent of $2.57 for each of his 26 pupils so they could watch the movie.
“I want to give my students a unique experience with the support of a group of people. If you wish to collaborate, you can sponsor with 20.00 quetzales to pay the entrance to the cinema or the round trip ticket. They don’t have TV, they can’t watch movies. Can you imagine how happy they would be if they had the opportunity to see one on a giant screen? If someone wants to collaborate, you can write to me via inbox. Thanks in advance!” Linares wrote on his Facebook account.
The trip coincided with Children’s Day in Guatemala, celebrated on October 1.
Edwin managed to raise enough money to not only take the kids to see the movie but hire a bus to get them there, stopping to see sights they’d never seen before on the way. He was also able to treat the kids to a meal after.
Inspirational teacher
The teacher said he is inspired by his two daughters aged 3 and 5 years old.
“Every time we reach the classroom and find our students, let’s think about our children and the quality of education we want for them, that will make our dedication to others as we wish for ours,” he told La Gran Epoca.
Please share the incredible effort of this teacher to make his students fulfill their dream of going to the movies for the first time in their lives.
We need more teachers like Edwin in the world.