When we think of Christmas flowers our options can be limited.
Poinsettias and holly are usually the popular offerings around the holiday season but now sunflowers have this traditional trend turned on its head.
The idea of decorating Christmas trees with these sunny summer flowers is catching on and now different designs can be found all over social media, according to Pop Sugar.
Sunflowers not only scream sun with their very name but are also sun worshippers, turning their heads to the position of the sun in the sky.
The idea of decorating your Christmas tree with them seems a little far fetched but organizations like Secret Sunflower Project has made it their mission to spread sunflowers around the world and don’t stop just because it’s Christmas.
Until you see the colorful ensemble around a Christmas tree you would be forgiven for thinking it could be a decorating disaster, but the flowers actually work really well when paired with gold ribbon and lights.
It seems the cool colors of red, white and green traditionally seen at Christmas need to make way for the warmth of sunflowers which help keep that sunny disposition of spring and summer going for that little bit longer.
I can’t think of anything more cheerful to keep us in high spirits as the cold of winter creeps in.
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