Why these dolphin succulents are becoming the latest trend in house plants

Succulents have been the best kept secret among green thumbs for a while but now we’re all catching on to this easy, eye catching greenery.

Recently, it’s Senecio Peregrinus, a succulent with tiny leaves that look like dolphins jumping in the air, that has captured everyone’s attention, and not just those with avid gardening skills.

Also known as Dolphin Succulent, this beautiful plant could become quite a talking piece when friends come over.


These plants grow up to 15 cm tall and if you’re really lucky will produce “small, starry pink flowers” over time.


All they require is a bright spot and a pot that drains easily so they don’t sit in a lot of excess moisture.

In the winter months they tend to go dormant so only need to be watered once a month.

All you need to grow a dolphin succulent is one single leaf. Place it in damp soil and it will quickly develop roots  — it’s that easy.

And if you loved that, check out these very cute Rabbit Succulents or Monilaria Obconica.

They are very popular in Japan, but will soon be the rage across the world as you cannot help but fall in love with those green bunny ears.

Such a great idea for adding some greenery to your space with very little work. Please share with your green thumb friends and family.

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