Woman grabs Walmart shopping cart, looks down and sees blood


This ordinary daily action should not have resulted in something so dramatic for Michelle, who was just wiping the handle down before using it.

“It’s horrible to leave the blade, it was crooked so the sharp end was definitely up, it just poked me but it could have been a little kid,” she said.

Michelle had to go to the doctor as the blade broke the skin on her finger, and will have to return in 6 months.


Walmart released a statement on the incident which read, “It was disturbing that someone would try and injure a customer and we’re grateful no one was seriously hurt.

“We’ve checked all shopping carts and are currently conducting regular checks. We’ve also reviewed surveillance footage and will continue working with police to find the person responsible.”

Find out more about this disturbing incident in the video below.

[arve url=”https://youtu.be/xVzuS3HJxR0″ /]

This isn’t the first time a blade has been found in the handle of a shopping cart.

Although Michelle doesn’t blame Walmart for the incident, she does have a message for all shoppers to “Check your carts.”

Please share this important warning to let other people know.


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