Woman leaves car at the bar overnight. Wakes up to find unexpected note on her windshield

Paula and her husband had visited Original Joe’s Resaurant and Bar in Edmonton, Canada, when they decided to take an Uber home.

Facebook/ Paula Grzelak-Schultz

Paula returned to the bar the next day, and as she was walking to the car, she realized that there was a note stuck to her windscreen.

“I thought I was getting in trouble for leaving my car in front of the entryway to the pub,” she wrote on Facebook. But when she got closer, she saw that the words on the note were anything but angry.

“Life is valuable”

The note was from the owner of the bar, Jay McLean, who wanted to show his appreciation to Paula for taking a cab home rather than drink driving.

“Just wanted to thank you for leaving your car parked overnight,” the note began. “I’m not sure if you had consumed alcohol at our restaurant or not but, but we wanted to thank you for not drinking and driving.”

To say thank you, Jay had left a voucher for 1lb of chicken wings along with the note.

“Please accept this as a thank you for being responsible,” the note read. “Life is valuable, have a great weekend.”

Doing what’s right

Paula’s post has been shared thousands of times and has received many positive responses from people admiring the kind and smart gesture.

But for Jay, it’s just a small way to acknowledge people who find a way home from his restaurant without endangering lives.

“With OJ’s, it’s all about community and I thought this was the perfect way to impact my community,” Jay tells Global News.

“They came here and they chose to spend some of their few precious free minutes with us. I just hope they feel appreciated and thanked for not getting behind the wheel.”

Meanwhile, Paula says she will definitely pay another visit to Original Joe’s, “Not just because of the voucher, but because of how well this guy treats his patrons.”

I think this is a great initiative, and such a worthwhile cause. If actions like this can make people think twice about getting behind the wheel when they’re drunk, it’s worth more than any money in the world.

Share this article to help us hail Jay’s smart and generous initiative. People like Jay deserve all the respect in the world!

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