Your coffee maker could be harboring mold and germs – 5 easy steps to do away with the dirt

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Foto: Veronica Johansson, SvD, TT / cyclonebill, Flickr

If there is something I cannot do without in the morning, it’s a fresh cup of hot coffee.

Just how many cups I consume after that really depends on the day but suffice to say a lot of coffee is consumed in our house.

Thanks to my trusted coffee maker all that’s required is water, a filter and some fresh coffee. But did you know our coffee makers need to be cleaned out properly at least twice a year?

What could be growing in your coffee machine is enough to put anyone off their caffeine for life.

In a study carried out by NSF International , the biggest breeding ground for germs was found to be in the kitchen with yeast and mold found growing in half of the coffee makers tested for the survey.

According to the study, the coffee maker was only second to the kitchen sponge or rag for having the highest concentration of mold.

The reason is that bacteria thrives in a warm, dark and damp environment and what better place than inside a coffee machine.

Photo: Veronica Johansson / SvD / TT

How often should you clean your coffee maker?

To keep the coffee maker fresh and avoid the risk of getting sick, you should clean it all at least every six months.

The jug, lid and filter need to be cleaned every day with warm water and some detergent.

Photo: cyclonebill / Flickr

How to clean the coffee maker?

A simple and cost-effective way of cleaning your coffee machine involves vinegar and water.

The recommended solution is one-part vinegar to two parts water, unless your coffee machine states otherwise.

How to clean a coffee maker with vinegar and water:

1. Remove all coffee grounds and coffee before you apply the cleaning solution.

2. Mix a solution of 1-part distilled white vinegar and 1-part warm water, unless your machine instructions state otherwise. Pour this mixture directly into your coffee carafe.

3. Make enough solution to fill the water reservoir. Allow half of the liquid to brew through. Then turn off the coffee maker and wait 30 minutes.

4. Finish the cycle and then let the coffee maker sit for one hour to allow the vinegar to tackle any mineral and mold buildup. When the mixture has brewed clear, pour it out and run another round of only water to rinse clean from the vinegar. 

5. Then rinse out the carafe thoroughly using warm water and soap.

Now you can enjoy some great-tasting coffee!

Photo: Shutterstock

Please share this tip with others so they too can enjoy delicious coffee safe in the knowledge their coffee maker is mold free.

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