Can You Find The M&M In The Candy Corn? Many people fail to see this

In this very colorful and yummy pile of candy corn is a yellow M&M. Can you spot it?

Hopefully the delicious image didn’t distract you by making you hungry.

But if you stared at the image for a long time and didn’t see it, just know we’ve all been there. It’s very frustrating.

Need a hint? Keep reading!

So in the yummy image above is a mini-sized yellow M&M, not a regular-sized one. So look for something small.

Still can’t find it?

Do you give up?

OK, here is the answer.


See, I told you it was tiny!

If you managed to find it or didn’t and want to see if your family and friends can, don’t forget to share this story.

And if nothing else you’ve helped work your gray matter today so all is not lost.

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