How to fold a fitted sheet in less than 1 minute

To get started, hold your sheet lengthwise and grab it by two corners with the right side by your body.

Then, place the first corner over the other one.

Next, slide your hand down to the next corner and insert it into the two corners that you just lined up.

Then, slide your hand down to smooth out the sheet and repeat with the last corner.

Now, all four corners should be lined up and you’re ready to lay your sheet down on a table.

Smooth out the sheet and then fold it into thirds.

Then, fold it in thirds again, and voila — you’re done!

With this trick, your sheets will take up so much less space than when you haphazardly fold them. Amazing!

For more folding tips and to see exactly how it’s done, watch this super helpful video:

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Images: Living On A Dime / YouTube

Smart, right? Don’t forget to share this tip with your friends so they can get start folding fitted sheets the right way.

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