Get rid of mosquitos this summer – discover the brilliant 3-ingredient trap everyone has at home

myggfälla, myggbett, myggfångare

Bildkälla: Shutterstock/Youtube

Mosquito trap – you need:

One two-liter plastic bottle

4 tbsp brown sugar

1 cup water

1/4 teaspoon yeast

Source: Shutterstock


1. Cut off the top 1/3 of the bottle with a knife.

Source: YouTube

2. Pour the brown sugar, water and yeast into the bottom of the bottle. Stir!

Source: YouTube

3. Unscrew the cork from the upper part of the bottle. Turn upside down and push down as a lid on the trap. Double-check so that it closes tightly to the edges.

Source: YouTube

4. Your homemade mosquito trap is now ready! Mosquitoes will be attracted to the sweet, sticky fragrance from the mixture that they can not resist — and once they have flown into the bottle, they get stuck and can’t get back out!

Source: YouTube

5. Bring your mosquito trap wherever you go outdoors — and enjoy your mosquito-free summer!

Source: Shutterstock

Watch a video showcasing this simple hack below:

Have other good tricks to keep mosquitoes away? Please share them in the comments.

And don’t forget to share this clever trick with everyone you know so that they can also have a mosquito free summer. They will thank you later!

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