Have you ever looked at that neighbor that you never talk to and wondered what their house looks like?
If it’s neat and tidy or a complete mess. What the neighbors normally watch on TV, if they argue a lot. I live in an apartment, and sometimes I catch myself gazing out of my window and into the apartments opposite me.
Sometimes I’m jealous of how beautifully decorated they are, it’s almost like they’ve been lifted straight out of a magazine. While others are so filthy I don’t understand how anyone could live there.
In 2014, a 96 year old woman from Toronto, Canada was trying to sell her house in Bloor West Village.
On the outside it looked like any other house in the area – non of her neighbors had ever been in the house. They had no idea what was hidden inside.
Now you’re probably wondering whether it looked terrible inside. It can sometimes happen, especially for the elderly who don’t have anyone to help them keep the house in a good state. It’s understandable that people don’t have as much energy to keep the house in order when they get older.
But this woman had a surprise hidden inside her home that nobody could have imagined.

The house was carefully decorated and you could clearly see that there was a lot of thought behind every painting, piece of furniture and decoration.
Everything from floor to ceiling was decorated in classic 50’s and 60’s style.
Metal sculptures, colorful carpets, pink curtains and much, much more.
The 96-year-old woman who lived in the house had previously worked as a seamstress and had always been very particular about the interior of the house. You can see that she decorated it with passion. Despite her age, and with some help from her family, she had managed to get the inside of the house to look as though it’s been untouched for 72 years.
You can hardly believe anyone has lived there – everything is in perfect condition!
Take a look at the photos and get ready to be blown away by this stunning home:

A beautiful and welcoming hall. Just look at the wallpaper!

The former seamstress sure knows how to decorate a kitchen to make it both tasteful and practical.
Breakfast room

This cosy little place is perfect to settle into and enjoy the first meal of the day.
Dining room

The beautiful dining room is truly elegant. You could invite the Queen to tea here without feeling ashamed!

A simple bedroom, but no less tasteful than the rest of the house.

Who hasn’t dreamt of having their own bar in the cellar? Even here, the woman did a perfect job. Although the design looks very different to the rest of the house, I can’t think of anyone who would say no to a drink or two in here.
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