Tiny gymnast takes to the floor and performs dazzling routine nobody was expecting


There are a lot of gymnasts who start early and according to Healthlife magazine gymnastic veteran and coach Amy Van Deusen, even though classes are available for 2 and 3-years-old children, it’s best to wait until your child is 5 or 6 years old for a serious program.

Starting them early doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be ahead of all the other kids, according to the article with Deusen adding: “The risk of starting advanced gymnastics at a young age is potential burnout as a pre-teen,” Deusen says, quoting veteran gymnastics coach Rick McCharles.

She also says that other sports such as ballet, dance, soccer, and baseball can help your child stay active and practice the same hand-eye coordination needed in gymnastics.


Uliana clearly has a talent nobody can ignore and has gone on to achieve great things in the world of gymnastics.

Watch her unbelievable routine in the video below which has the audience clapping and gasping at her incredible moves.

[arve url=”https://youtu.be/GfDI8NHycIw” /]

The little girl has such an amazing talent and her smile continues throughout. Share this video with all the gymnast enthusiasts you know. 

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