Beer company produces six-pack rings that feed marine life instead of killing it

NOAA Marine Debris Program

These plastic rings have been around since the 1960s and are said to kill around 100,000 marine life every year.

They have become a symbol of the danger caused by the plastic we humans consume.

But now a beer company in the US – Saltwater Brewery, Florida – has come up with an ingenious solution!

Staff have developed the Eco Six Pack Ring which is the first ecofriendly six pack ring made from by-product waste and other compostable materials.

When left out in open land or a water system, it will degrade in a matter of weeks and is made from compostable organic materials that do not cause harm to wildlife when ingested.

Find out more about this ingenious and life-saving invention in the clip below.

I knew it, beer can save lives! SHARE this story to raise awareness and encourage all beer companies to follow suit.


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