Waitress grabs man with Down syndrome and puts a tag on him, reason left them both speechless

Dwayne, who has Down syndrome, loves badges and name tags, according to his sister.

“He told the waitress that he liked her name tag and then told her that his name is Captain America,” his sister wrote on her Facebook page.

Their server, Millie Young, took their order and went off to put it through to the kitchen as well as work on something else for her sweet customer.

Regina and Dwayne finished their food and were just about to leave the restaurant when Millie approached them again with something for Dwayne.

She produced a Captain America name tag and pinned it on his shirt.

Dwayne was so happy and his sister was so impressed she took to social media to talk about their thoughtful server and how much her sweet gesture meant to her brother.

Millie even said “Bye Captain America,” to Dwayne on the way out.

In an interview with TV station News4 Millie said she always tried to make her guests happy.

“When people come in, I want to make them smile. If they leave happy, it makes me happy,” she said.

Sure, this may seem like small gesture to us, but, for Dwayne it meant the world. Her thoughtfulness made this man’s day and his sister so happy.

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