

Horses go missing from stables every day – then camera catches unlikely escape artist

Horses go missing from stables every day – then camera catches unlikely escape artist

At a farm in Michigan, owners kept finding their horse stables empty and their horses wandering freely, despite putting them ...

Starving mare found on death's door in cornfield – 6 months later she's made astonishing recovery

Sadly two of the horses rescuers found didn’t make it but Polly the then-5-year-old bay mare held on. Polly was starving ...

Neighbors rescue tired, skinny horse forced to pull a cart: Later they burn the cart to punish the owner

The horse was very skinny and overwhelmed by the heat. Suddenly the horse fell to the ground unable to pull ...

flicka häst snö

Tiny toddler and horse share heartwarming bond

Little Emma is so happy to be leading her friend Cinnamon along the snowy path. Her father records the occasion ...

Vet frees horse cruelly chained up – wasn't expecting this beautiful response

A video showing the moment when Four Paws’ vet Ovidiu Rosu was able to free a horse from its barbaric chains went ...

Desperate farmer whispers "Don't die" in horse's ear – mare's response crushes his heart

Farmer Marek Slodkowski runs his own farm in a rural area of Poland. One day as he was roaming around ...